Gift Ideas For A Person Living With Diabetes


Is a birthday or Christmas approaching? An opportunity to offer a gift? Here is a list of original gift ideas to offer someone living with diabetes.

A Little Indulgence!

Chocolate, a classic! To the delight of people living with diabetes, some bakeries / pastry shops have created these gourmet pleasures with a low glycemic index. This is the case of Good Chocolate. You can feast without your blood sugar going on a roller coaster ride!

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Bean to bar.

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An Offbeat T-Shirt 

There are t-shirts with clever statements or jokes about diabetes: “I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry,” “proud owner of a useless pancreas” or “I have a syringe and I’m not afraid to use it”. Offer only to friends who are comfortable with their diabetes… and who have a good sense of humor!

A Small Handbag

They can be used daily. Between insulin, blood glucose meters, medications and other essential items, you can quickly become weighed down! Hence a handbag, which can store all his little necessities. Pretty cool right?

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/ HAPPENING TODAY! / Super excited to have Jillian @t1dchick representing my Casualty Girl shop @shopcasualtygirl at the #JDRF TypeOneNation Summit in Belleville, Michigan today! “Living with Diabetes: A Family Day of Inspiration, Hope, and Education”. Jillian will be speaking at the event and will also have a table setup with sample carry-all pouches from Casualty Girl along with her (really fun!) diabetes charm bracelets that she makes and sells in her Etsy shop (that’s one of them shown in the photo). Jillian is a beacon of light in the T1D community sharing her life with T1D, candid tips and tricks, Q and A posts and always doing everything with a fun twist and a smile! If you’re in the Belleville area, stop by and say Hi! The event is FREE! And if you can’t make it, head over to her page @t1dchick where you’ll find a link to her Etsy shop (where you can see more of and shop her bracelets) and also where she’ll be hosting a GIVEAWAY of some of my carry-all pouches after the event! And if you can’t wait and want to purchase a @shopcasualtygirl carry-all pouch now, the shop link is up ?? in the page bio. First time customers receive 10% OFF when you enter your email address in the pop-up window. Take a selfie with Jillian, if you make it to the event! We hope to see you there! ?✨ #casualtygirl #casualtygirltribe #casualtygirlxt1dchick

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Pins, Badges

Another original idea is a badge (or patch), to sew or attach directly onto clothing. You can thus customize a jacket, for example, by adding an embroidered badge design of a personified blood glucose meter, looking cool, with sunglasses and a smile, or a “Diabetes Warrior” pin, isn’t that classy? You are spoiled for choice for those little gifts that make people happy. Fun guaranteed!

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#PinDrop of a new gold design with a sparkle of red glitter ✨♥️?What do you think? Would you like other #Spoonie illnesses done in this design?!? Let me know in InstaStories ⬆️ or the comments below! ✨?? . I’m super happy to introduce a new golden pin to help spread awareness about Diabetes. I made this lovely gold pin with a little red sparkly bit of glitter at the top of the heart to represent the little drops of blood on the fingertip, that highlight the reality of diabetics needing to test their blood glucose levels with a pinprick. Link to buy in my bio ✨?? – Symptoms of diabetes can have quite an impact on someone’s quality of life. And while there are effective treatments, diabetes is a chronic illness that still needs support and more awareness of the complications of symptoms and diagnosis (which is not always straightforward and can often be mistaken for other diseases). – Here’s to opening up more conversations about the range of invisible illnesses we Spoonies bravely live through, with more pins to come in the near future ??✨?✨? #chronicillness #infertility #1in4 #diabetes #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicallydivine #invisibleillness #t1dlookslikeme #disability #type1diabetes #type2diabetes #health #enamelpin #badge #diabadass #insulindependent #madebycooper #pinflair #diabulimia #diabetesawareness #hiddenillness #hiddendisability #diabetestype1 #disability #pingame #pingamestrong

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With patterns similar to those found on pins and/or patches, stickers can be placed anywhere: computers, water bottles, notebooks, etc. They will bring a touch of color and joy every day!

Miscellaneous Small Pleasures

In addition to those mentioned above, there are a very large number of trinkets with messages specific to diabetes: blankets, mugs, duvet covers, clocks, cushions, computer, tablet or phone cases, etc. A wide choice of gifts for all occasions!

Yoga Sessions

To stay in shape and learn how to better manage stress, why not offer yoga  classes? For more fun (and to motivate yourself!), you could join your friend?

Cooking Classes

Diabetes or not, it is not always easy to find appealing new recipes to make. A few cooking lessons could be the answer The happy recipient can try exotic cuisines and new techniques, while conforming to their dietary requirements. With a little bit of luck, he/she will become a true cordon bleu chef and will invite you to taste his/her culinary masterpieces.

A Greeting Card

Why not accompany your gift with a small card? Receiving a gift accompanied by a few words is a small detail that never fails to please! You can find personalized ones, suitable for every occasion!

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